The NZWSA (NZ Waterski Association) & IWWF (International Waterski & Wakeboard Federation) NZ Cable Wakeboard National Championships is being held in Foxton on 7/8 March 2020.
The country’s Best Cable Wakeboard Riders assembled at the country’s Best Wake Park, throwing down the Best tricks they have and having the Best time while doing it!! Not to be missed by Riders & Spectators alike!
Spectators Welcomed. Free Entry. Bring your Picnic Blanket and refreshments and make a day of it.
Live Music from one of NZ’s top musicians, Jimmy Christmas (The D4 / Luger Boa).
Inflatable Aqua Park Obstacle Course, SUP boarding, Great Food and TOP NOTCH Entertainment.
Categories for ALL AGES from the Under 11 Minis to The 40+ Veterans. Mens & Womens.
- U11 Mini Boys & Girls
- U15 Junior Boys & Girls
- U19 Men & Women
- 30+ Masters Men & Women
- 40+ Veterans Men & Women
- OPEN Men & Women
- OPEN Wakeskate
Half Price Rider Practice from 12pm – 8pm Friday 6th March. $50 All Day Passes
ALL RIDERS must Register Online at EVENTFINDA to Enter your Division $75 per Entry. 1 Category per Rider.
Riders can also enter Wakeskate in addition to their Wakeboard Division Entry ($25 extra).
ALL RIDERS Must be a signed up member of Cable NZ to enter. $25 Membership fee
Please join Cable NZ Here: https://www.nzwaterski.co.nz/page/cablenz.html
ALL RIDERS must have a profile on www.cablewakeboard.net to enter. These will be used to compile the ladders & lists for the event and also to gain World Championship Points for Qualification to Worlds in Thailand in September 2020. This is FREE.
Register with IWWF HERE: http://myzone.cablewakeboard.net/en/116/?sub=1&mod=signup
Keep tuned to the event FB Page for details as they come available. HERE https://www.facebook.com/events/317230549182755/